cowboy raney

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

IT'S ME!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Vacation is All I Ever Wanted

If you didn’t really know me and you were watching me from a distance, you would think I have been a serious bum, lately. And while I’m on that thought, let me add that if you don’t know me and are watching me from a distance, please stop. But as I was saying earlier, I really feel like a bum, lately. Well that is because I am on vacation. Well, sort of…more like writing a graphic novel between jobs…

It has not been a very productive two weeks. I wake up around noon, and on the occasion that I may wake up in the actual AM, I end up falling asleep and waking up again around noon. It makes me feel really lame. But on the plus side, recently I have been a little more diligent with my writing. It’s taking a little dedication and a little bit of self discipline, but I am gaining momentum. Ideas actually just pop into my head, like I’m some kind of lightning rod. I just write em down as they come. It feels great! I think maybe all this writing has somehow affected my dreams. My dreams are way more vivid and actually tell stories. Last night me and the twins took on a mobster in a heated game of cards. In the dream, he actually said, “you punks can’t play cards! Hell, I bet you guys couldn’t even play a Microsoft word processor!”

I woke up with an awesome WTF?

This is going to be a cool summer. I’m not 100% sure how I’m going to get through it without going broke, but oh well, I need it. This may be my only chance to complete a graphic novel. And besides, I’m on vacation.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Well I finally got back to work on the script for Death Ride. I’m definitely going to have to change the title because, c’mon, it’s a story about cars like Death Proof and even I confuse the name sometimes…I sent in a very rough draft to Jesse, head of Viper comics and he said some of the dialogue is a bit stiff, which I wont disagree with. Of course it’s stiff, I’m not a practiced writer! Writing is going to be stiff and uncomfortable if you are stiff and uncomfortable with writing like I am. I’m trying to remedy that.

I need to improve my writing skills, so here I am, keeping a journal right here on the internet for my own later embarrassment.

The fleas in this apartment have really dealt a blow to my standard of living. I can stand dirty dishes and laundry on my floor; you can learn to live with that. But to constantly have bugs jump on you and bite you, man it sucks. It tears down your morale. Makes your life worse. I think it’s a big reason Max ran away, he was affected the worst, they actually lived on him…I couldn’t imagine. If he is still out there, I hope he’s ok and got rid of the damn bugs.

Anyway, we set up a bowl filled with soap water on the carpet with a lamp lighting it. The bright light is supposed to attract the fleas into the bowl while the soap water creates a surface tension that fleas can’t escape out of. It is amazingly entertaining.

Mike says it’s satisfying to grab a flea if you find one on you, and drop it into the bowl. I find that I have to agree. I’ve begun the ritual of picking them up and dropping them in, watching them sink. They fall in slow motion, they dance, writhe at the bottom of the bowl and become motionless. They lay together in a mass watery grave fifty strong, converted from their previous evil versions, they have now become the only good kind of flea. A dead one. I wonder if they have a death rattle, and if so, how hard would it be to build a tiny little underwater microphone and listen in? Maybe I should check with Radio Shack…

Sunday, June 03, 2007

A-KON 2 Electric Boogaloo

One of my favorite posts ever for this blog is hands down day one and two of last year's A-KON. Ladies and gentlemen, her are some selected shots from this year's A-KON
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here is John and I with Pikachu. Kind of reminds me of that scene in a Christmas Story when Alfie comes down the stairs in the awesome rabbit suit. I want a Christmas Story sequel that takes place in Alphie's akward teenage years when the rabbit suit becomes his fursona, kinda like the Venom symbiot suit, but more retarded.
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Here is John with Mario. Mario found himself a DS, but he needs to find a Super Mushroom so he can be be of normal height.
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Here's the crew with whatever the hell that thing is. After the picture was taken, I felt really bad for the dude, he took off his head and inside was a pale scrawny dude with glasses fogged from sweat and a look that told me he might vomit at any second. I thought about how much care these people put into their costumes. THESE PEOPLE LIVE FOR PHOTO OPS . I really admire it, and I'm kicking myself for having thrown away my Pokemon suit from Halloween.
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And finally, here is me with an authentic Texan. I'm not sure what he was doing at A-Kon, but he had a registration badge so he had to belong. His wife let me know how dumb I was for not knowing who this guy is and something about his book about Texas Rangers coming out next week.
I have decided no matter how nerdy the whole thing was, there is a good portion of myslef that belonged at an event like this. It felt good to be surrounded by most of these guys. Next A-Kon, I'm staying the whole weekend-no excuses.

Friday, June 01, 2007

WOW A half year has gone by...

Yikes, a half year has gone by and not one post...Well, I'm only sort of employed right now, so I guess this would be a great time to get the ball rolling again. Right now I left the working world to work with Viper Comics and in my spare time I have been working on Death Ride, but the name is going to have to change, its too much like Death Proof...
Anyway, here are some neat-o illustrations I have done lately. These were for class illustrations about an article describibng the history of frisbee... hopefuly I will have some cool death ride and half cookies stuff to show yall.