cowboy raney

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Moby Dick/ Beardwatch Part2

I have been on a Moby Dick kick for the last 2 months or so. I started reading the book again and have now probably begun one of the geekiest things I can think to do, which is to start collecting Moby Dick related merchandise. A kiddie cup shaped like a whale? I drink Dr.K out of it. A made for TV movie starring Captain Picard- er- Patrick Stewart as Captain Ahab? I Amazoned it. An anime about Moby Dick set in the year 4699? Yeah, I own it.

Actually, this is a pretty good anime and I totally recommend it. There is nothing like seeing guys in rocket ships hunting robotic space whales. Awesomely ridiculous.

Whoa! Max is totally starting to play my Nintendo DS now! Heinous!
Wow, everyone on the internet is totally going to think this is a photoshop! Max has been playing a lot lately and he’s almost as good as me at MarioKart…almost. Max, get your own DS, then we will see who the real champion is…

Yeah, its gettin’ there.
Some things that might be worth your time:

Allright kids, adios!


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